

MERG - Model Electronics Railway Group

MERG is based in the UK but has approaching 1000 members worldwide.

This club offers support to members in several ways:

  1. A members-only yahoo-based forum where members can ask about any railway electronics related problem and other members offer suggestions.

  2. Technical bulletins written by members on a wide range of subjects. Most are available for download on the internet.

  3. Components and kits are available at prices which are hard to beat unless you have most of the parts in your 'spares' box.

  4. A web site

  5. Local area groups wherever members wish to form such a group.

  6. A quarterly newsletter

  7. Meetings in London and also as arranged by local area groups.


A yahoo-based forum dedicated to the support of Tcc. Tcc is the railway control software available on this site (and also in the files section of the forum). Open to all (not just Merg members).

This forum was formed to remove Tcc-based discussions from the general forum as it is a comparatively minority interest group.


This web site was started after the MergTcc forum to allow web browsing of available information, instead of having to trawl the forum archives.


If you need personal, on-site advice and assistance (in New Zealand or Australia) email or phone to discuss your requirements.


This is a non-profit making web site and manpower is short (I would prefer to work on my railway too!), and so if you have any time to prepare some more pages of general advice, or even worked examples please send them to me at suggestions (at) QtuTrains.com and I'll look at incorporating your input so others can benefit from your experiences.